19 May 2008


It is funny to me how my dreams have changed over the years. I remember dreaming about fanciful things as a child. I remember waking up loving the dreams I just had and bursting to tell someone about them. I've always been very good at remembering my dreams - at least for a few minutes after I wake up - before they are erased by the craziness that is a morning at our house.
My dreams these days though typically fall into just a few categories. The most prevalent dream I have is some kind of automobile-related trauma. I'm either in a wreck or my car is being stolen or I'm being carjacked. Never a good dream about a vehicle. The second type of dream I have generally involves friends in unusual situations - we are all taking a trip together or we are all at an unusual place we wouldn't normally be. I don't typically have a lot of interaction in these dreams but I'm generally just watching events unfold. I'm sure that means something. The last kind of dream I have involves my husband and son and are usually just mundane things like grocery shopping or paying bills or having discussions. Money is typically an underlying factor in many of my dreams which seems about right to me.
I was struck the other day that I miss the fanciful dreams of my childhood. This dawned on me as J was telling me about the "great dreams" he had the night before. "First I dreamed I was Speed Racer. I was racing around and around and I was winning! Then I dreamed I saw Superman flying over our house except he kept dropping his boots. I didn't want his boot to fall on our house but I just kept watching him 'cause it was so cool!" Hmmm... perhaps tragedy enters our dreaming state even when we are children. Perhaps my car wreck is the equivalent of his Speed Racer taken to its logical end. Maybe my carjacking is his falling boot. Maybe things aren't so different after all. It's nice to think our kids have only wonderful, magical dreams. I hope that is true for J for a very long time... falling boots and all.