25 July 2008

Too Smart?

We’ve had a lot of problems lately with J. For about fifteen days, we didn’t have a single good day at school. There were reports of biting, kicking, hitting students, hitting teachers, screaming, pulling curtains off the wall, throwing things, etc. This list went on and on. I had to leave work on several occasions to pick him up because they wouldn’t let him finish out the day. I was truly at my wits end. Then one tiny change was implemented. J was moved to a class with older kids. Now playing with K4 and K5 kids, we’ve had not a single bad report.

J has been an angel. We speculated over the reasons for the change. This morning, one of the teachers told me that she isn’t at all surprised at the change because he is so much smarter than the other kids his age. He gets frustrated trying to communicate with them. He sees them hitting and kicking and just follows suite because it is the only way to communicate with some of them. With the older kids, he feels the need to show them how “big” he is and he can communicate with them on their level. It is hard to grasp sometimes that intellect can be a downfall sometimes.

I am so thankful for a school that looks for solutions rather than just pointing out problems. I am so thankful for teachers willing to try and try again. I am so thankful for my little boy who is still learning every day how to act and how to treat his friends. I am thankful that he is that smart… even if it means it makes things so much harder sometimes.