09 May 2012

It's Official... I am Old

You realize very quickly as you have kids and get older that birthdays are less important.  Just another day on the calendar.  You go to work, take care of the kids and the house, and the day comes and goes with little fanfare.  This is the year I officially turned old.  When you are young, there are parties and gifts and cakes.  When you are old, you realize that only your family really cares about making your birthday a priority.  They are the only ones who will set the evening, or the day, or even the weekend aside to do just what you want.  Everyone else is just too busy.  Too overbooked.  Too distracted to do the things you would like to do.  I have a special friend who spent my birthday weekend with me this year but it had been over a year since we even saw each other before that.  Made me realize that real life just gets in the way of our childish desires.  So, it's time to pass the torch to the younger generation.  To J and his peers.  Birthdays are for kids.

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