04 February 2008

New Year’s Resolutions Update – End of January

Okay, here they are again along with the progress I’ve made (or not).

1. Start getting up earlier in the morning (ugh) to allow time for exercise and to make J a healthy breakfast. I was getting up earlier to exercise at least five days a week. I was making J’s breakfast every morning and, I’m proud to announce, he was no longer eating a Special K bar or Clifford organic cereal every single morning. (Now he eats those only when he actually wants them.) However, I’ve been sick for the last week and slipped, relying on Doug to take care of J’s breakfast and doing no exercise. I will get back into both of these habits this week despite still not feeling well.

2. Paint at least one room in my house (my bedroom, the guest bathroom, and/or the guest room/playroom) and hire someone to paint my kitchen. I took off work one day and painted the guest bathroom. It took longer than I thought (including a second coat that I put on in the middle of the night a few days after the first) but it is done and looks pretty great. Perhaps I’ll hire someone to do the rest though as it took a whole precious vacation day of which I don’t have many.

3. Make my front flowerbeds look presentable. Clearly been too cold but I do have high hopes for this one when it warms up a tad.

4. Lose some weight - any amount will do. No weight lost yet but I have been exercising. I am hoping that just means I’m putting on muscle and not just staying stagnant.

5. Spend more time with my friends. Game night, anyone? We’ve got lots of plans with friends already on the books for the next several months. This resolution is really just to continue that and be sure we don’t get lazy about seeing our friends. Sometimes it is easier to just stay home on that rare occasion that there is a free weekend, which is fine, as long as it doesn’t get to be a habit. I love to be alone but I hate to go months without seeing anyone also.

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