28 January 2008

That was awful... or was it?

It is amazing how kids can change your outlook about a lot of things. I took J to see Alvin and the Chipmunks this weekend. It was truly awful, as I expected going into it. However, J has wanted to see this movie since he saw a preview for it about two months ago. Anytime he’d see a poster or an ad for it, he’d nearly burst with “I want to see that!” So, he paid his JBucks and off we went.

I found myself laughing at J laughing at the movie. Then I was actually following along with the movie and was a little annoyed when J said he needed to go to the potty for the second time since the movie started. We missed the singular plot twist in the movie, after all. I amazed myself at enjoying the movie because he was enjoying it so much. It is a wonderful feeling to realize that something you never thought you could enjoy becomes enjoyable by simply seeing it through the eyes of a child. This is one of the things I love most about being a mom.

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