13 March 2008

Age is a State of Mind

I was discussing people who are our age with Doug and how I am often astounded at people who are our age but look so much older. Not our friends but just people we encounter from time to time. I look at our group of friends and think we all look relatively equal in age. However, others our age surprise me sometimes when I find out "she's only a year older than me?!?"
I've never understood those women (or men, for that matter) who let their age define them. I didn't get overly exuberant when I reached 21. I didn't mourn when I passed 29. I'm not depressed at the idea of 40 "looming on the horizon" (as some might put it). I've also never understood the idea of cosmetic surgery or even the new processes like Botox. I know what drives these big money businesses - pure vanity. I'm just astounded at how many women are susceptible to such ideas.
I will say though, as I am starting to show signs of my age, that I am also amazed at women who do nothing to preserve their youth. I'm always a little surprised at women who wear no makeup - even though just a little lip gloss and powder would make them look ten years younger - or those who haven't figured out that liquid foundation actually highlights those little wrinkles around their eyes instead of camouflaging them.
I like to think I'm not terribly vain but I guess the fact that I won't go out to get the mail without my lipstick on means that I really am. The funny thing is - it isn't really about who will see me but about how I feel about myself. And the even funnier thing is that I feel better about myself, even with 40 looming on that horizon, than I can ever remember feeling. Even with those extra 60 pounds I found since college. It's funny how age can give us some perspective. Perhaps older is wiser!

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