11 March 2008

A Little J Magic... or a Little White Lie

J loves to do magic like his favorite character from The Wiggles, Greg. He wiggles his fingers in front of the television when I am starting a movie in the DVD player, says Wiggle Waggle, and calls that "A Little J Magic" when it starts. His favorite magic trick is to make things disappear. This requires some audience participation, somewhat unbeknownst to him. He holds up his Magic Sheet (any blanket, handkerchief, restaurant napkin, etc.), says the magic words (usually Wiggle Waggle or Abracadabra) and the object disappears (which really means someone in the "audience" hides it from his view when he pulls down the sheet). He's been doing this trick for some time now and was shocked when it worked the first time. He's still a little shocked when it works each time. He's made things disappear as small as a penny or a salt shaker all the way up to making me disappear. While J has caught on that we are involved, he still gets mad if he actually sees us moving the object. He'll say, "Don't do that. I'm going to make it disappear."
Last night we called him at his grandparents' to check on him. He was having fun playing with a box of "new" toys (toys that belonged to me when I was his age that mom and dad just got out of the attic for him). He then said he wanted to do some magic. Mom said he grabbed the closest Magic Sheet, ran into the living room (alone), and started screaming Wiggle Waggle! He did this several times before coming back to GranMa to announce that his magic wasn't working. We told him magic has to have an audience in order to work. Really, is there any harm in little lies when you are a kid? Doesn't it make things just a little more fun... and magical?

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