20 March 2008

My Favorite Color

During my life I’ve gone through several favorite colors as I’ve changed and grown and matured. I’ve loved red and black, silver and purple. However, for many years now I’ve settled on green as my favorite color. I like so many of the shades and love the feelings it invokes. It seems fitting to talk about this color this week since it is the National Color of Ireland. Happy St. Patty’s Day!

With Spring just around the corner, it is the color of life and the environment and invigoration. Green is usually associated with positive attributes like a green thumb or finding greener pastures. A green light gives you the go-ahead.

Green is a restful color. Is it the color of my birthstone – the beautiful emerald. It is the color of the best apples in the world – the Granny Smith. It is the color of a mint leaf, a Christmas tree, jade, rolling hills, and my eyes. It symbolizes hope, renewal, and peace. Green is said to be the color of harmony and balance.

If your favorite color is supposed to speak to you, I hope I can glean some of its hope, renewal, and peace for my life. I hope I can carry around the images it conjures to brighten my days.

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