25 January 2008


It seems like all who have children, and even some who don’t, are constantly willing to offer up their advice for parenting a child who is having trouble adjusting or exhibiting any sort of behavioral issues. I admit to taking a lot of this advice lately because I was at my wit’s end on how to deal with J’s hitting and angry outbursts. However, (knock on wood), it seems that a system of my own device has finally started to take hold of my little man.

We instituted a system of rewards and payments for good behavior and fun activities. I asked Doug to design money with J’s photo on it. Each of these JBucks can then be earned and spent. Each morning, there is the possibility of earning up to five JBucks based on good behavior. Each incident of trouble, back-talking, not minding, etc. will result in losing one JBuck. Teachers have also been given the authority to remove JBucks by leaving us a note in his daily folder. On the best day, at bedtime, he receives his five JBucks. On the worst day, he receives none. We have had days that fall everywhere on this scale. However, for the last few days, he has been doing great.

J loves his reward chart that lists everything he can “buy” with his JBucks – everything from one JBuck for an extra piece of candy or treat after dinner (since he thinks I am stingy for only allowing one) to fifteen JBucks for a trip to Chuck E. Cheese or a movie. He typically buys 30 minutes of video game time at three JBucks each though he has made one trip to Chuck E. Cheese and keeps talking about another.

I’ve decided that sometimes all of the books and websites and advice from others really is useless when it comes to your own child. You have to know your child’s motivations and desires to decide what is right for you and only you. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this continues to work and J will continue to thrive.

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