20 November 2007

The Lottery

Every morning on our way to work, Doug and I pass two billboards with the current Power Ball available winnings printed on them. We have made many jokes about "our money" despite the fact that we never buy a ticket. We have tallied up how we would spend various amounts. Of course we would pay everything off and put money away and this that and the other practical stuff. The conversation never centers around those obvious things. Instead, we talk about the fun and fanciful side of having that kind of disposable money.

Now, as I've said before, I am cheap. Sometimes too much for my own good. Even with millions of dollars, I suspect I'd still be cheap. It is a sickness. Or a joy. I'm not quite sure which. I do somewhat enjoy the fact that I am very practical. I don't believe in frivolous spending and find the habit quite annoying in others. I believe in putting aside for the future. I believe in saving up for something I really want. I like to instill that idea in my child. If you got everything you wanted right away, what is there to look forward to, after all?

Anyway, I do think about our illusive millions... the ones we never buy a ticket to win. Amazing we never win, I know. But, what would I spend money on that was reckless once all other necessities were taken care of?
  1. I'd take my family on a trip. This means my husband, child, parents, and in-laws. We'd go on a fantastic journey to far away places I've never been. I love to travel more than anything else in the world.
  2. I'd have little houses, cottages, loft apartments, etc. tucked away everywhere I might want to stay for a weekend now and then. A lake house, a beach house, a Chicago apartment, a Boston townhouse, a villa somewhere, etc. Why rent when you can have a home wherever your heart calls.
  3. I'd pamper my friends. I've never been one to have a lot of friends at any given time. I prefer to have a few very close friends. I'd love to host an all-expenses paid, grand and glorious vacation for my Family of Choice - my closest of friends. Additionally, I'd love to be able to send extravagant pick-me-ups or just-thinking-of-you gifts anytime I wanted. A day at a spa. A case of champagne. Things like that.
  4. I'd outfit my home with all the comforts and pleasures I could. A recording studio for my hubby. A playroom for my little one. A chef's kitchen for me. Oh, and a personal chef to teach me how to use that fancy kitchen!
I know that these millions will never come my way. "You can't win if you don't play" and all that ad-agency-generated hype and all. However, it is always fun to dream. Especially with the one you love.

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