09 November 2007

Use Good English!

I hate it when people use figures of speech incorrectly by changing the wording or spelling. My husband is always complaining about people saying "The proof is in the pudding" which is a completely ridiculous thing to say. We've also talked about "I could care less." However, I've run across several more in the last few days reading things on the internet (I'm in a holding pattern at work waiting on my next project to get going). So, here are the offenders I've found as well as a few I've heard in actual conversations in the not-so-distant past.

We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
Water over the bridge (perhaps this is why we have to burn it - flooded bridge and all)
Tough road to hoe (especially these days when we pave all of our roads)
Pre-Madonna (clearly the prima donna writing was likely a young thing referring to us old things who remember things pre-Madonna)
For all intensive purposes (these must be dire and critical purposes)
With baited breath (ewwwww)
Mute point (no point at all, I suppose)
A shoe in - such as "he's a shoe in for the position"
Wade in - such as "he wade in on the situation"
Would of, could of, should of instead of would have, could have, should have

One misspelling of the week (at least I hope it was a misspelling) is "An exercise in fertility" which, of course, is a whole different sort of exercise from the futile one he was referencing.

And my favorite misspelling of the week: "Wallah!"

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