05 November 2007

Movie Reviews

Because I'm caught up on all of my TiVo items that Doug doesn't watch and I need to wait for him for all of the others, I've been watching movies until all hours of the night lately. Here are the ones from the last two weeks or so.

Wendigo - best to start with the worst of the bunch. This is running on IFC right now and immediately caught my eye because it stars Jake Weber who I love in Medium. I didn't love him much in this. He stars as a father who switches from asshole to loving father to wimp once too often for me. The movie was a good idea that was poorly executed. It is the story of a family on vacation for the weekend - a vacation that goes horribly wrong. The son believes it is the Wendigo causing the problems. Is it? By the end I really didn't care. The idea behind the story was good but it was like the writers started off with a clever idea then forgot that idea half way through writing and just decided to try to make a scary movie. It failed.
Two stars - not a complete flop but not one I'd recommend.

Notes on a Scandal - Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett are both really good in this but the story fell a little flat for me. Again, I just wasn't sucked into the story enough to really care about the characters. The premise is good, the performances are really good, the story just never quite got "there" for me though. Three stars - worth watching if you can see it for free.

Mrs. Henderson Presents - A stellar cast (including a very small part for Christopher Guest who I always love seeing) - Mrs. Henderson, recently widowed, decides to buy a run-down theater and have performances running continuously. The war takes its toll and people aren't going to the theater as much anymore until she decides to make the shows nude revues. The government forbids it. She claims it is art. A compromise is struck. A touching story with elements that don't turn out as you had expected at all. A nice surprise and based on true events. Includes a great quote from Dench's character:
I am bored with widowhood. I have to smile at everyone. I never had to smile at everyone before. In India, there were always people to look down upon.
Four stars - thoroughly enjoyable and, for all you men, a movie full of topless women.

The Man Who Wasn't There - Coen Brothers. Film noir. Billy Bob Thornton. What's not to love about that? This is almost a parody of film noir but there really is nothing funny about it. Billy Bob plays a barber who is nondescript and noticed by no one until a series of mishaps and misadventures puts him on everyone's radar. A definite must-see for anyone who digs film noir. Clever film. Nice supporting performances by Frances McDormand and James Gandolfini.
Four stars - nicely shot (definitely a great tribute to noir), good script, great characters.

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