26 November 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

J frequently says things to me that send me running for my little notebook I keep of first words, funny stories, and endearing quotes. However, my favorite one recently caught me completely off-guard. I have no idea what preceded this thought in his little three-year-old mind but I just loved it.

One evening J was in his playroom watching a movie when he called me in the room. "Mommy, come here!" I went in, not knowing if I would find a crucial Superman versus Mr. Incredible dilemma to be solved or a bloody wound from my less-than-graceful son. Instead he stood up on the sofa and grabbed both of my hands in his sweet little grasp. He looked up at me with a gentle expression and, in the most sincere voice, said "Mommy, I will always remember you because you take care of me."

Now, I'm not sure if I should be concerned (does he think I'm about to die?) or just touched. I had no idea what to say to that other than "That is so sweet. I love you, J." I've said for a long time that J is an 82-year-old man trapped in a three-year-old body. This is just one more thing that proves it is true.

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