06 December 2007

And the things I hate

As long as I'm listing my favorite things, I might as well list some things I hate as well. I also started this list a few years ago but just keep adding to it. I was a little surprised that I had to keep cutting my Things I Love list to keep it at 100 but couldn't come up with 100 Things I Hate. I guess that is a good sign. Really, these need no comments. Again, not in order.

1. Telemarketers
2. Lies
3. Being hot
4. Talking on the phone
5. Scary dogs
6. Coconut
7. Raw onions
8. Ketchup
9. Vomiting
10. J's whining
11. Making phone calls
12. Gross morning hair
13. Friends who break plans - especially at the last minute
14. Washing dishes - worst chore in the house
15. Standing in long, slow lines
16. Insects
17. Roaches - yes, they get their own category because I have a special hatred for them
18. Potty humor
19. Bad manners - particularly in children
20. Bad parenting - particularly lack of appropriate discipline
21. Terrorism
22. Screaming
23. Bad smells - especially food
24. Going to the dentist
25. Gaining weight
26. Out of stock
27. Raw oysters
28. Driving at night
29. Wearing shorts
30. Freezer burn
31. Willfully ignorant people
32. Golf and fishing on TV
33. Reckless drivers
34. Trashy talk shows
35. Getting a busy signal on the phone
36. High pitched tones
37. Cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke
38. Noise
39. Cold showers
40. Dangerous driving conditions
41. Humid weather
42. Spam - the food and the internet variety
43. Photos that don't turn out
44. Slow Internet connections
45. Naps
46. Waking up early in the morning - particularly if I have to rush out of bed
47. Having nothing to do
48. People rushing into an elevator without giving me a chance to get out
49. Passive-aggressive behavior
50. People reading over my shoulder
51. Not having enough to drink with my meal
52. Mosquitoes - they love me
53. Not being able to sleep - especially when I have to get up early
54. Lavender, patchouli, musk, or other strong perfumes/colognes
55. Being late
56. When others are late - particularly if they know others are waiting on them
57. My lack of memory
58. When people act shocked at the foods I dislike
59. My terrible eyesight
60. Drama in my life
61. Plain cream cheese - why is this stuff on everything?!?
62. Scratchy, ill-fitting, or uncomfortable clothes
63. Shoes that hurt my feet
64. Most pop music after 1990
65. The sun in my eyes when I'm driving
66. Home repairs
67. Losing things
68. Not being productive enough
69. All the logos and ads at the bottom of my television shows
70. Bills and debt
71. Clothes on pets
72. Cats, rats, and snakes
73. People on cell phones while they are trying to do other things
74. Stains that won't come out
75. Always being broke
76. Get rich quick schemes that sucker people in - If it really worked, don't you think everyone would be doing it?!?
77. Poor grammar and misspellings

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