03 December 2007

Friendship II

We are still trying to teach J about friends and friendship and what that really means. As a result, I’ve had my own friends on my mind a lot lately. Today I was thinking – what makes a good friend to me? I’ve thought about the people I treasure most as friends and these are the top ten characteristics I value about them:

  1. They speak their minds and are always honest when talking to me - no matter what the outcome might be.
  2. They really listen when I talk to them.
  3. They love to have fun and to laugh.
  4. They are outgoing.
  5. They are assertive.
  6. They are intelligent.
  7. They accept me just as I am.
  8. They have some common interests with me and lots of differing interests they can share with me without expecting me to adopt them.
  9. They are witty and sarcastic.
  10. They are consistent and are always "just themselves."
I'm sure this should say something about me and the type of person I am. Perhaps it does. Perhaps not. At any rate, as I look at the lasting friendships I've had, I find that each person fits at least the majority of these characteristics. I tend to not get along with or not maintain friendships with those who don't fit this formula. Maybe that means I'm inflexible. Maybe it just means I like what I like. Maybe those two things are really the same. At any rate, that's my prescription for a good friend.

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