21 December 2007

Another take on Me from A to Z

I found this list while searching for an adjective starting with X. I thought it was interesting so thought I'd include it here as well.

A is for Age: 36

B is for Beer of choice: Gordon Biersch Dunkles

C is for Career: Content Management Specialist for a packaging supply company

D is for favorite Drink: Caffeine Free Diet Coke

E is for Essential item I use everyday: lip balm

F is for Favorite song at the moment: Since it’s Christmas time, I’ll list my favorite Christmas song – O Holy Night

G is for favorite Game: Monopoly or Scrabble

H is for Hometown: born in Birmingham, AL and raised in Mobile, AL but neither feels like home now since my parents don't live in either

I is for Instruments I play: None currently but I used to be proficient on the piano, flute, and piccolo

J is for favorite Juice: orange juice

K is for Kids: Yep - one

L is for Last kiss: last night

M is for Marriage: Yep – for 11 years now.

N is for Name of my best friend: Doug

O is for Overnight Hospital stays: Two when I had baby J

P is for Phobias: I’m not sure. I fear certain things (pain/suffering) but they don’t necessarily prevent me from doing things. I don’t have any irrational fears that I know of like a fear of heights or anything.

Q is for Quote: “Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”

R is for biggest Regret: Don’t believe in regret. Just learn and move on.

S is for Self confidence: I think I’m fairly self-confident. Probably more so than the average woman my age.

T is for Time I wake up: Between 5:30 and 6:30 during the week (depending on how many times I hit that snooze button) and between 6 and 8 on the weekend (depending on what time J wakes me up)

U is for Underwear: yes, always

V is for Vegetable I love: asparagus, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, brussel sprouts… there really are very few I don’t like

W is for Worst habit: television

X is for X-rays I’ve had: annual dental x-rays, mammogram, cat scan, and wrist x-ray for carpel tunnel - not really an x-ray but I'll include it here is an ultrasound

Y is for Yummy food I make: all of it…. right?

Z is for Zodiac: Taurus

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