21 December 2007

Me from A to Z

I was reading some journaling prompts and one said to list adjectives that describe me. While that is all well and good, I thought it would be more fun to come up with an adjective for each letter of the alphabet. I’m fairly certain I’ll have to consult a dictionary and a thesaurus on this assignment though I’ll start with as many as I can think of without them.

A is for anxious

B is for blunt

C is for clumsy

D is for disciplined

E is for expressive

F is for frugal

G is for guarded

H is for heedful

I is for impatient

J is for judgmental

K is for knowledgeable

L is for loving

M is for methodical

N is for nostalgic

O is for opinionated

P is for productive

Q is for quirky

R is for responsible

S is for stubborn

T is for thankful

U is for unwasteful

V is for vigilant

W is for worried

X is for xenophilous

Y is for young

Z is for zealous

Whew! I’ll have to admit I had to ask for help to find one starting with X but I’m pretty happy with the list all in all. It does make me wonder, when presented with this task, how many people would list all positive or all negative attributes about themselves. I think I have a pretty decent balance as I look back over my list. That’s me – from A to Z.

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